All About Teeth Whitening

Are you considering Teeth Whitening for your teeth?

If you are not happy with your smile, tooth whitening may provide the solution. At Camarillo Smiles, we offer more options for whitening teeth than you can find in most dental offices.

Video about teeth whitening


What causes yellow teeth? Why are my teeth so dark?

If you have ever looked in the mirror and noticed that your teeth are yellow or just not as white and bright as you’d like, you are not alone. At Camarillo Smiles, we hear about this every day. There are many, many reasons why your teeth are not so pearly whites. The good news is most of these can be avoided and the better news is that we can always make yellow teeth white and bright.
Food and drink are big culprits, especially drinks like coffee, tea, and red wine. Colored foods like blueberries and soy sauce can stain your teeth and play a role in the discoloration.
Inadequate oral hygiene can leave stain, plaque and tartar behind. This staining usually has a brown or yellow tint to it.
Smoking and chewing tobacco can cause horrendous stains. They can make teeth a color of yellow and brown that can rival the most experienced ash tray.
Aging is another cause of yellow teeth. Over time, the enamel on a tooth gets thinner and more translucent, allowing the inner layer of the tooth (the dentin) to show through.
Acidic foods and drinks (particularly soft drinks) make teeth more porous allowing stain to move into the enamel layer.

How do teeth lighten up?

The secret to tooth whitening is in the whitening gel. It is generally either a carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide gel. The gel penetrates into the tooth and bleaches out the stain that is trapped inside the enamel structure. Contact time of the gel on the teeth is important, so the viscosity of the gel will affect the success of the whitening.

What are the options for whitening teeth?

There are many teeth whitening options available to you depending mainly on how complex your discoloration is and the speed of treatment desired. With both professional dentist proceures and at home kits, there are many choices. As you would expect, at home procedures will be less expensive than office treatments, but you should also expect them to take longer and results in a less dramatic change. Let’s look at these teeth shitening options in more details.

For minimal discoloration

  • Teeth whitening toothpaste
  • Teeth whitening mouthwash, floss etc.

For a little discoloration

  • Teeth whitening strips

For moderate discoloration

  • Custom tray whitening
  • Fast- Zoom! whitening

For most difficult stains

  • KöR® Deep Bleaching

What is the most popular method of whitening teeth?

Custom made tray whitening. At-home dentist-supervised whitening is popular due to its ease of use, low cost and ability to control how white the teeth get. A whitening gel is placed in a custom-fitted mouth tray. The tray is worn once or twice a day for 30 minutes. This process continues until the desired level of whitening is achieved. This usually takes 2-4 weeks.

Frequently asked questions about Teeth Whitening

How long does it take to whiten teeth?
How long it takes to whiten teeth varies depending on the tooth whitening method. Toothpaste and mouthwash whiten over a matter of many months or years. For most people, whitening strips take a few months. Custom made trays and Kor bleaching take about 2-4 weeks. Zoom takes 1-1.5 hours.

Does whitening teeth hurt the teeth or enamel?
It depends on what kind of whitening method is used. There are some whitening systems sold at stores or online that use an acid base that etches the teeth and leads to loss of enamel. Initially, the teeth look white, but then they pick up stain really fast and look really bad. On the other hand, studies have shown that professional tooth whitening does not hurt the teeth and does not damage the enamel.

How long do the whitened teeth stay white?
Teeth that have been whitened will eventually restain again. Food, drink, age contribute to staining that can easily be removed again with a quick whitening touch up. For instance, if you are using custom made trays, you wear them for 30 minutes every 6 months or so to keep them at their whitest.

What are the possible risks the patient may face with tooth whitening?
There is a possibility of sensitivity to cold that can occur during the whitening process. This sensitivity goes away when the process ends. Occasionally the gums can get irritated by the peroxide in the bleaching solution. This can lead to a white spot on the gums that goes away after a day or two.

Our Location

Our Location

Camarillo Smiles

92 Palm Drive

Camarillo, CA 93010


Our Hours


MON 7:00am - 8:00pm
TUES 7:00am - 8:00pm
WED 7:00am - 8:00pm
THUR 7:00am - 8:00pm
FRI 7:00am - 5:00pm
SAT 8:00am - 1:00pm

 Call us 805-388-5700



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