Finally, a solid recommendation to minimize your risk of Alzheimer’s Disease

A long life is what everyone desires and preferably with a healthy body and a sharp mind. Sadly, that will not be the case for many. Alzheimer’s Disease has been a looming menace with one in three seniors dying with Alzheimer’s disease or another dementia. This is more than breast cancer and prostate cancer combined. But even before death, Alzheimer’s Disease is causing, according to the Alzheimer’s Association, 16.1 million caregivers to spend 18.4 billion hours of unpaid care valued at approximately $232 million. This is a disease that not only takes its toll on the victim but also their family. It is devastating. That’s not how any of us want to go.

With a new case of Alzheimer’s disease being diagnosed every 65 seconds, this has been a huge opportunity for drug companies to try to develop a blockbuster medicine to prevent or treat this disabling disease. Since 1984, their efforts for a new drug have failed horribly. But there is good news: if you connect all of the dots from all of the independent research, it turns out that it points to a culprit that is very familiar to the team at Camarillo Smiles. The culprit is the bacteria Porphyromonas gingivalis, or Pg as we call it.

Pg grows in the pockets around your teeth causing gum disease, but that is not all. For years, Dr. Czubiak has been lecturing around the country teaching dentists and dental hygienists about how this bacteria has been implicated in causing heart attacks and strokes. It is also associated with other diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, colon cancer,  pancreatic cancer, and erectile dysfunction, just to name a few. Once you know this information you know it must be shared.

Can bacteria get into the brain?

Bleeding, puffy or tender gums is a sign that there are pores in your gums that can let Pg invade the rest of your body. It is able to get through the blood-brain barrier and induce the brain’s nerve cells to fight it off by creating a plaque that causes neuron-destroying inflammation in the brain leading to Alzheimer’s Disease. The more Pg in your gums and the longer it is there, the higher your risk for becoming a victim of Alzheimer’s Disease.

Dental Hygiene… Elevated

At Camarillo Smiles, we have coined a phrase, “Dental Hygiene Elevated” to help to explain why we are different from other dental offices. Our dental hygienists are specially trained with the knowledge, tools, and protocols to eradicate this dangerous bacteria. We use a microscope to analyze your plaque and identify the presence of Pg as well as other bad bacteria. We also use a sample of your saliva to check the quantities of 10 different strains so we know what we are battling. We then go after them with plaque-busting acoustic energy, lasers, oxygenators, and probiotics to bring back a healthy environment for your teeth and also your whole body. We’ll talk about innovative ideas for your daily home care and you will immediately start to feel healthier.

Changing lives, saving lives, it’s our passion. You owe it to yourself and your family to discover dental hygiene elevated…today!

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